Asset Owner Survey Questions List 2024

All information collected is anonymous and will be used to create a global asset allocator EM strategy survey report. You and your organization's name will not be used or disclosed.

General Information

  • Organization name, organization type, total AUM, head-office location?
  • Does the investment team have discretionary decision on asset allocation?
  • Is there a threshold (such as bps of AUM) under which the investment team has discretionary investment decision without having to consult the CIO/IC?

EM Allocation Strategy

  • Does your organization currently have a dedicated emerging managers program?
  • How many investment professionals are involved in EM investments?
  • What is the percentage of total AUM allocated to EMs at the time of investment?
  • Annually, how many EMs does your organization interview and select on average?
  • If your organization does not have a dedicated emerging manager program, is your EM investment strategy different than your existing investment strategy?
  • How do you define EMs?
    • Public Market Fund (e.g. AUM $300M, $500M, 1B; Year 1, 2, 3...)
    • Private Market Fund (e.g. fund 1, 2, 3...)
  • How do you source EMs? (e.g. consultants, Inbound/reverse inquiry, placement agents, public databases…)
  • What is the goal of your organization when investing in EMs? (e.g. return, social impact, strategy diversification…)
  • What is your organization’s current minimum ticket size?
    • Public Market Funds ($MM)
    • Private Market Funds ($MM)
  • Does your organization do seed investment?
  • If your organization has a dedicated EM program how long is the average graduation process?
    • Public Market Funds
    • Private Market Funds

Japan-Based Emerging Manager Investment

  • If you could invest in talented Japan-based emerging managers, which kind of strategies would be of interest to you? (e.g. public equity, fixed income, VC, real estate…)
  • How many Japan-based EMs has your organization invested in? If so, indicate their organization name, date of investment, allocation size, and what type of organization it was.
  • What qualities are most important for you when evaluating EMs? (e.g. sustainability, track record, reputation…)
  • What do you consider to be the biggest barriers to investing in Japan-based emerging managers? (e.g. communication, reputation, quality…)
  • How often do you travel to Japan for meetings with managers?
  • Would you be interested in joining a Japanese EM matching event organized by FinCity.Tokyo?
  • Do you have preferences in terms of the EM's structure? (e.g. does it have to be registered offshore (e.g. Cayman) or onshore structure with Japanese LPs?)

Technology Usage

  • How many people are on the in-house IT/tech team?
  • How does your organization aggregate the investment mandate reporting data from asset managers? (e.g. via emails/excel directly, through custodians, using in-house/3rd party solutions)
  • What is the usage of advanced tech, such as A.I.?