All information collected is anonymous and will be used to create a global asset allocator EM strategy survey report. You and your organization's name will not be used or disclosed.
General Information
Organization name, organization type, total AUM, head-office location?
Does the investment team have discretionary decision on asset allocation?
Is there a threshold (such as bps of AUM) under which the investment team has discretionary investment decision without having to consult the CIO/IC?
EM Allocation Strategy
Does your organization currently have a dedicated emerging managers program?
How many investment professionals are involved in EM investments?
What is the percentage of total AUM allocated to EMs at the time of investment?
Annually, how many EMs does your organization interview and select on average?
If your organization does not have a dedicated emerging manager program, is your EM investment strategy different than your existing investment strategy?
How do you define EMs?
Public Market Fund (e.g. AUM $300M, $500M, 1B; Year 1, 2, 3...)
Private Market Fund (e.g. fund 1, 2, 3...)
How do you source EMs? (e.g. consultants, Inbound/reverse inquiry, placement agents, public databases…)
What is the goal of your organization when investing in EMs? (e.g. return, social impact, strategy diversification…)
What is your organization’s current minimum ticket size?
Public Market Funds ($MM)
Private Market Funds ($MM)
Does your organization do seed investment?
If your organization has a dedicated EM program how long is the average graduation process?
Public Market Funds
Private Market Funds
Japan-Based Emerging Manager Investment
If you could invest in talented Japan-based emerging managers, which kind of strategies would be of interest to you? (e.g. public equity, fixed income, VC, real estate…)
How many Japan-based EMs has your organization invested in? If so, indicate their organization name, date of investment, allocation size, and what type of organization it was.
What qualities are most important for you when evaluating EMs? (e.g. sustainability, track record, reputation…)
What do you consider to be the biggest barriers to investing in Japan-based emerging managers? (e.g. communication, reputation, quality…)
How often do you travel to Japan for meetings with managers?
Would you be interested in joining a Japanese EM matching event organized by FinCity.Tokyo?
Do you have preferences in terms of the EM's structure? (e.g. does it have to be registered offshore (e.g. Cayman) or onshore structure with Japanese LPs?)
Technology Usage
How many people are on the in-house IT/tech team?
How does your organization aggregate the investment mandate reporting data from asset managers? (e.g. via emails/excel directly, through custodians, using in-house/3rd party solutions)